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Модальные глаголы. тест
14.11.2011, 10:23

Task 1. Rephrase the following situations using a modal verb.

1.       I advise you to stop eating chocolate. You ____ stop eating chocolate.

2.       Will you let me speak to David, please? ______ I speak to David, please?

3.       She can hear you well enough. You ____ shout.

4.       It’s forbidden to feed the animals in the Zoo. You ____ feed the animals in the Zoo.

5.       Perhaps, she is sleeping now. She ____ be asleep now.


Task 2. Choose the correct modal verb.

1.       We ____ hurry. We’ve got plenty of time. (can’t, needn’t, must)

2.       I’m sorry, I’m late. ___ I come in? ((must, should, may)

3.       Yesterday I stayed at home because I _____ help my father. (must, had to, can)

4.       Schools ____ teach children the difference between right and wrong. (can’t, mustn’t , must)

5.       It’s raining. You ___ take an umbrella. (can’t, don’t have to, should)


Task 3. Complete the text using the verbs below.

     Should (4)   can (3)   ought (1)   have (1)    need (1)


    There are many simple things we ______ (1) all do to stop the destruction of the environment. First of all, we___ (2) not dump our rubbish without thinking which things, such as bottles and paper, ___ (3) be recycled. We ___ (4) put objects that we ___ (5) recycle in recycling bins. Secondly, instead of taking our car wherever we go, we ___ (6) to leave it at home whenever possible, and go on foot or by public transport. If there is something wrong with our car’s exhaust pipe, we ___ (7) get it fixed immediately. When we ___ (8) to drive to the supermarket to do our shopping, we ___ (9) always remember to take our own bag, so that we don’t ___ (10) to use the supermarket’s plastic bag.




Категория: Тесты | Добавил: lensib | Теги: Грамматика, Егэ, модальные глаголы. тест. английский, ГИА
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