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Birthplace is a place, where a person was born, so a place of birth

                                                       I love my birthplace.

What does the world "birthplace" mean? If we look for its meaning in the definition dictionary, so there we will find the following: «Birthplace is a place, where a person was born, so a place of birth. » It means that each person has his or her birthplace, which he or she cannot choose as nobody can choose a mother. There are a lot of people, who leave their native town for many reasons, but continue to be their favourite place. In my opinion a person can be called «the worthy son» of his motherland only in that case, if he does something for its development. I also consider that people cannot demand from their native place anything more, than it is able to give them.

    I live in a very beautiful town with rich history. I live in Vladimir. This town was founded in 1108 by Prince Vladimir Monomakh. At first this town was a powerful fortress whish was named so in honour of its founder. It should be mentioned, that Vladimir was the capital of Rus for a long time, exactly from 1157 until 1389.It's hardly necessary to say, that there are a lot of tourist attractions in Vladimir. Generally there are a lot of white-stone monuments, which have been approved to be included in UNESCO's World Heritage List.Vladimir is located in a hilly area that is why it is called «the town on seven hills». One of its sights is the famous prison known as «Vladimirsky Central», where different famous people as well as politicians were held.This prison is the largest in Russia.Its famous prisoners were Mikhail Frunze, Vasily Stalin and others.Several songs were written about the « Vladimirsky Central Prison».In 1996 on its territory there was established a museum. It should also be stated, that Vladimir is the religious                  centre, where there is a great deal of churches.The most famous and attended are the Assumption Cathedral and the DmitrievCathedral, which have unique fragments of frescoes from the 12th and 13th centuries and frescoes from 1408 by Rublev and Daniil Chernyi.

   It's quite natural that I love my region. The fact is that there are no more beautiful views for me, than the view of Vladimir from the viewing point. I like all parks in Vladimir very much, but my favorite one is Puchkin Park. Sometimes when I walk in autumn in this park I have a wish to fall down on wet leaves and to forget about all human worries. I am also impressed by the quantity of museums in Vladimir. My favourite museum isVladimir and Suzdal Museum of History, Art and Architecture, because there are different exhibitions there, which are interesting for people of all ages. I remember my first visit there very clearly. It was on the first of September 2005 when our class and our form teacher went to visit the exhibition about aboriginal people. Exactly at that moment I understood how difficult it was to live at that time and how happy we are to live in the century of innovative technologies, which make our life much easier. The words of M. Lomonosov that «Russian Land can give birth to its own Platons and Newtons» aren't exceptive and for Vladimir Region. Many famous people were born in Vladimir: Admiral M.P.Lazarev, the composer S.I.Taneev, the physicist A.G.Stoletov and his brother General N.G.Stoletov, who is the hero of the Shipka defense.I am glad and I am very pround of this fact because my dream is also to be famous and to give lustre to Vladimir all over the world. I consider that I am lucky to live in Vladimir!


Ученик 7 «А» класса средней школы №1 г. Владимира Белозёров Олег.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (10.03.2012)
Просмотров: 557 | Теги: Vladimirsky Central, Vladimir, Daniil Chernyi, isVladimir and Suzdal Museum of His, UNESCO's World Heritage List, Art and Architecture | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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