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I was very pleased to get your letter

I Love My Birthplace.


Hello, my dear Lucy.


            I was very pleased to get your letter. It’s great that our cities is the sister cities! You know I like to travel. If we are fond of travelling we see and learn all sorts of things we can never see or learn at home. I was very interested to learn about Canterbury. It will be great to visit this small ancient city.

            You wrote to me that Canterbury has a lot of very beautiful buildings and churches. Doubtless, Canterbury Cathedral, St. Augustine’s Abbey and St. Martin’s Church are really magnificent. I’m fond of ancient architecture. Personally, I think that our cities are similar. My homeland – Vladimir –  has a lot of ancient monuments too. Tourists from all over the world travel to Vladimir to enjoy its vibrant culture and its rich religious historic architecture. The most famous  are Assumption Cathedral, built in the twelfth century and decorated with frescoes by the outstanding icon-painter - Saint Andrei Rublev,
Golden Gates, St. Demetrius Cathedral, Church of the Intercession on the Nerl - the pearl of Russian twelfth century architecture, a picture of which you can find in almost every book of Russian architecture.
But what is more Vladimir has some museums that can tell you a lot about the history of old Russia: the town provides interesting insights on provincial Russian life. Vladimir has a great deal to offer visitors. In addition to Vladimir, the nearby communities of Bogolyubovo and Suzdal belong to what's called the "Golden Ring" (Zolotoye Koltso). This "golden circle" of ancient Russian towns dates back to the 12th through the 17th centuries. These communities are known for their historic, architectural, and religious significance, and are sometimes referred to as "museums under the sky."

            But I think about what it means to me my birthplace not when I walk under the arch of the Golden Gates. The first, I think everyone understands the word "Motherland" in its own way.  More precisely, it can have different meanings. In my opinion, Motherland is they unity of everything that is really dear to you heart. This is my family, my home, my friends, my school, interesting people, Russian nature, Russian culture. Wherever I could be I would miss my homeland.

            We can love and other places of the country, but nothing can’t replaces home. Personally, I enjoy of British literature, the music of British group, English language. I am very interested in Britain. Of course I could envy you because you can see visit the most famous places of interest in Britain as they are  so close! Although, you can tell me the same thing about Russia (do you like Russia, don’t you?). But I’ll say you that I go to the museums of my city not every day. And I don’t notice something special in my city because of the daily troubles. As the famous Russian writer Mikhail Prishvin once said: «Motherland. Only a native-born will say about his homeland, will reveal those things which are not obvious to a foregner. But an stranger will notice those things that a native will overlook.»

            You know I like to read the Russian literature. Many Russian writers and poets give great attention to the theme of our Motherland. Leaving Russia, going abroad, they very much grieved for it. Not a secret that for the Russian person the close connection with the native land is characteristic. You wrote to me that you are fond of foreign poetry. By the way, I want to tell you lines of well-known Russian poet Sergei Yesenin where he tries to describe characteristic features of Russian soul:


Little house with light blue shutters,

I will never forget you, no way!

All these years  that have gone with the  shadows

Seemed so recent and not far away.


Up to now I’ve been dreaming about

Our fields,  woods and clouds on high

Under cover of  grey cotton shroud

Of this poor oldnorthern sky.


Though I cannot  admire,  however,

I don’t want to get lost at all.

I suppose, I’ve got now and for ever

Dismal warmth of the Russian soul.


I feel myself as the Russian person. Perhaps, you don't understand me but I can say that Russian people are very specific.

            Canterbury or Vladimir, England or Russia... I think that home is the place where you feel relations with things and people which around you. Certainly, you can meet interesting people anywhere and you can get pleasure of landscapes of other countries. But I’m not tired to repeat nothing can replace Motherland.  And what do you think about it?


                                                                                                            With love, your friend Tanya.  



Ученицы 11 кл.

МОУ СОШ № 29 г. Владимира

Бобковой Татьяны











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