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Предварительный опрос участников проекта (5 класс)
25.11.2013, 20:03
Цель: выяснить, что пятиклассники знают о мире, хотели бы они получить новые знания и какие именно.

We asked 18 pupils of the 5 forms about the world. We want to find out what they know about the world, where they have been and what information they would like to get.

Our first question was: "What do you know about the World?"
it is different - 7
it is beautiful - 5
it is surprising - 3
it is wonderful - 2
it is large - 1

Our second question was: "What countries did you visit?"
Egypt - 6
Greece - 4
Turkey - 3
Ukraine - 3
Thailand - 3
Spain - 1
Cuba - 1

The third question was: "Why do people travel?"
it is interesting - 7
they want to visit beautiful places - 5
they don't like to stay at home - 3
to relax - 1

The fourth question: "Where would you like to travel and why?"
UK - 6
Thailand - 3
Egypt - 3
USA - 2
India - 2
Germany - 1
Japan - 1

Those who want to go to the UK and the USA want to improve their English, the pupil, who prefers Germany would like to learn German as the second language. The girl who would like to go to Japan, likes Japanese cartoons. Those who prefer Egypt are sure that it is a cheap trip. Thailand is a very unusual country, as the pupils think. And two children, who chose India, would like to ride an elephant.

The last question was: "What would you like to know about the world?"
customs and traditions - 6
about languages - 5
the way people live in different countries - 4
national habits - 3
endangered peoples - 2
endangered animals - 1

As we can see the pupils of the 5 forms are very interested in getting information about the world. They are sure that the world is worth studying. Most of them are interested in foreign languages and it is a reason for theit travelling.

Вывод: ученики 5 классов имеют не очень большие знания о мире, но обладают неплохими знаниями английской лексики, чтобы описать свои мысли. Они любят путешествовать и посещают разные страны. Они хотят получать информацию по разным аспектам, в основном то, что касается иностранных языков и национальных традиций. В целом ученики готовы к работе над проектом.

Опрос проводили
Нуреева Валерия

Омариева Диана
Категория: Учебный проект “The Diversity of World” | Добавил: lensib | Теги: проект, многообразие мира
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