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Northern Ireland
Where is Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland lies in the northeast of the island of Ireland, covering 5,459 square miles (14,139 km²), about a sixth of the island's total area.

Northern Ireland is the second most populated part of the UK after Scotland, with 317 people per square mile (122 per square kilometre). 

The capital city is Belfast.

History Northern Ireland

In 1801 the whole of Ireland became part of the United Kingdom, with the adoption of the name the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

After years of civil war, Ireland became a republic in 1921. At this time, Britain negotiated with Ireland to keep the six counties in the north-east of Ireland. These six counties now make up what is known as Northern Ireland. The southern part of the island is the Republic of Ireland, or Eire. 

1927 - The current name of the UK, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was adopted

Watch the presentation to get more information

Northern Ireland is famous for ...

The Giant's Causeway

The Giant's Causeway, situated on the North East coast of Northern Ireland, is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic eruption.


The Northern Ireland Assembly was established as part of the Belfast Agreement (also known as the Good Friday Agreement). The Assembly debates and makes laws, and makes decisions on the work of the Northern Ireland government departments.

Interesting Facts

HMS Titanic ship was built in Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland.

National Day: 17 March St Patrick's Day

When is St. Patrick's Day?

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated on 17 March.

St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in the whole of Ireland on 17 March, in honour of St Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.

What does the flag of St Patrick look like?

What is the national emblem of Ireland?

The national emblem of Ireland is the Shamrock. Patrick used the three-leaved shamrock to explain how the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit could exist as separate parts of the same being. His followers took to wearing a shamrock in celebration.

St Patrick's day is marked by the wearing of shamrocks (a clover-like plant), the national emblem of both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Watch the video about St.Patrick's Day. Listen very attentively, you will get interesting information about St.Patrick

And another cartoon about this day

Источник: http://projectbritain.com/northern_ireland.html
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How to understand the difference between the UK and Great Britain | Learn English | British Council
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