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Being a newcomer in Vladimir

Конкурс на лучшее сочинение на английском языке о родном крае

 «I Love My Birthplace»

      Dmitry Volkov, Form 6A, School 5, Vladimir.

English teacher: Olga Vladimirovna Terentyeva.

  Hello, my name is Dima. The matter is,Vladimir is not my birthplace. I came to live here just a year ago. It’s not a long period of time but quite enough for me to have made friends with the town. Being a newcomer in Vladimir, I’m much impressed by its beauty and appearance. Walking over the town and watching the passers-by is a source of education and pleasure for me. Live and learn!

  So, my view is fresh and might be different from other opinions. Besides, our school teacher of English always tells us that the verb is the head and brain of the sentence. It’s the King who rules! The adjective is the heart and soul. It’s the Queen who reigns! That’s why my feelings inspired by Vladimir are in adjectives, and thoughts about its people and their life – in verbs.


The Adjective-ABC Fantasy Of Vladimir.


A – attractive, amazing, ancient.

B – big, busy.

C – charming, cheerful.

D – dear, a bit dangerous.

E – exciting, enchanting.

F – friendly, fascinating, flowering.

G – great, green.

H – historical, happy.

I – interesting, international.

J – jaunty, joyful.

K – kind, kindly.

L – long, lucky, legendary/

M – magical, musical.



N – nice, noisy.

O – old, open.

P – perfect, pleasant.

Q – quiet in summer.

R – reliable, respectful.

S – special, smart, sport-loving.

T – tolerant.

U – unusual, unique, unforgettable.

V – varied.

W – wonderful, white-stone.

X – xanthous in October.

Y – youthful.

Z – zealous.


The Verb-ABC Fantasy Of Vladimir


A – awakes, asks and answers.

B – begins and believes.

C – changes and celebrates.

D – dreams and develops.

E – enjoys and educates.

F – fascinates, forgives and forgets.

G – greets and gives.

H – hears and helps.

I – inspires and impresses.

J – joins, jingles and jangles.

K – knows, keeps and kids.

L – lives and learns, listens and laughs.

M – meets, moves and magnetizes.

N – notices, nods and narrates.

O – observes, offers and organizes.

P – plays and puzzles, pleases and ponders.

Q – questions and quarrels.

R – rings and runs, reasons, remembers and reigns.

S – smiles and shines, sees and speaks.

T – thinks and talks, tries to trade.

U – understands and unites.

V – views, values, votes.

W – works and walks, watches and worries, wishes and wins.

X – x-rays all.

Y – yearns and yules.

Z – zests.

They say that old friends are best to meet, old books are best to read, old wines are best to drink…I would like to add that old towns are best to visit and live in! I really think so. Don’t you?













Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (06.03.2012)
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