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Home, sweet home

I love my birthplace.

Home, sweet home.

Everybody has their native town. So do I.

I was born in Kovrov. It is a small town which is situated on the right bank of the river Klyazma. The town was founded in 1778. For many years it has been an industrial town. There are some plants producing military tools and devices. Later Kovrov was a green little town with a lot of wooden bungalows. Nowadays Kovrov is a modern town with multi-storeyed houses.

I live in the suburb. The name of my district makes it clear just what kind of people live there: good, fair and respectful to each other. Everybody calls it "Zarya."

The district is surrounded by forests so we breathe clean air. Most people live in bungalows or cottages, but there are also some five-storeyed buildings there. There is a school, a kindergarten, a post-office and some small businesses there.

"Zarya” is my birthplace. I have been living there for 13 years of my life. I have spent there the most beautiful time of my childhood: winters full of fun and happiness, when my sister and I like sledging down the hills and playing snowballs and summers when we bathe in the pool and gather berries and mushrooms in the nearby forest. It is the nicest place for me. Its fresh air cheers me up and the low level of noise helps me to have a real rest. I will never change it for any big city such as Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Everyone loves his motherland in his own way. I love my birthplace too. I’m proud of it and glad that I live here.


Автор:  ученик 7 класса МКОУ СОШ №13 г.КовроваБударин Дмитрий, курирующий учитель Мамлева А.В.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (08.03.2012)
Просмотров: 536 | Теги: Kovrov, river Klyazma, birthplace, Zarya. | Рейтинг: 1.0/1
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