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I love my birthplace.



I love my birthplace.


Everyone has probably thought whether he loves his country. And everyone has his own answer.

           My birthplace is Vladimir, a small Russian city. I was born here and have lived for 18 years already. However, I have to admit that I love things associated with life in Vladimir more than this city. Above all things they are my family and friends. As a rule, we remember not the city but the people who are important to us. Of course, we can discuss Vladimir’s beauty. To my mind, each city has something special.

            I love Golden Gate most of all in Vladimir. I can’t explain what it is connected with. Their exterior seems to be not very attractive but at the same time you may stop your eyes on them and watch them for hours.

            Apart from that, I like people living in Vladimir. In my opinion, they are open, communicative and seem to be kind. If to compare Vladimir and Moscow citizens, the capital dwellers are very rude. This is one more reason why I love my Motherland.

            Everyone has their own, unique love to their birthplace. Someone loves it for the nature’s beauty, someone for famous historical monuments, someone for people and someone for other reasons.

            If to go back to the past I can say that I’m proud of people who have gone through the World War II and saved our country from slavery. So it’s possible to love our Motherland only because we have such people who were able to overcome all the difficulties. And it’s a great honor to live in the city and know that such brave people, saved our lives, live here.

            In conclusion, I can say that I love me birthplace and I am proud of living here.

Шишкановой Маргариты 11 «Б» кл.

МБОУ СОШ № 31 г. Владимира

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (16.02.2012)
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