Kurlovo town is a
town in Gus-Crystal area of the Vladimir region of Russia. Thepopulation attheendof 2011 is actually seven thousandpeople.Itislocated 18
km southof Gus-Crystal. Thetownhas a woodenchurch ofSt. Seraphim ofSarov (builtin 1990), a
musicschool, and a hotel.
Mynativetownisknownsince 1811 asthetown Kurlyvo. According
to legend, the name of the town camebecause of the fact that caravans of calling ("kurlychaschih”)cranesoften fly across it. Peoplelikeditandthat’swhythetownwascalledKurlovo.
My houseislocated neartheforest, andthestreetiscalled Foreststreet.
From the window of my house you
can see the forest.There is also a pond Gorin.It was
named after the surname of a person who created this pond.
Now as I
live in Vladimir visit Kurlovonot so often. But I still love my native town and
remember it.
Porokhform 5 «А»,
Vladimir, school №13.
(Анастасия Порох, 5 «А» класс, МБОУСОШ
№13, г. Владимир)