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My Favorite Birthplace

My Favorite Birthplace.


Ученик 10 «А» класса

МАОУ г. Владимир

                                                                                                                        СОШ №14

                                                                                                                               Игошин Максим

                                                                                  Учитель: Потапова Татьяна Владимировна



                  I was born is Moscow, Russia. But I spent all my childhood in Suzdal. That‘s why Suzdal is my second birthplace.

Suzdal is the land of my ancestors. It is the birthplace of my great-grandfather, who perished in the Second World War. In Suzdal he was the first tractor driver among women in the30th years of the 20th century. 

Suzdal is my childhood city, where I learned to ride a bike, drive a car, catch a fish, etc. This is the city of my friends that I like to walk with. I love this city so much, that I could spend hours talking about its history.

 Suzdal is one of the oldest Russian cites. Despite its venerable age, the city has remained young and beautiful as in a fairytale. Russian craftsmen have built a city very cosy and convenient to live in. Suzdal stands along the banks of the River Kamenka which was navigable 300-400 years ago. White stone was used to build many churches, monasteries. The scenery gives you an idea of the boundless expanses of Russia. The distance from Moscow to Vladimir, a regional centre of my country, is 172 km, from Vladimir to Suzdal - 38 km. To my mind Suzdal is one of the most wonderful Russian cities. There are the River Kamenka with crystal clear water, beautiful fields, with flowers and secular trees. But most of all I like old churches. My favoutite one is the Wooden Church of Saint Nicholas. This church was built in Glotovo Russia in 1766 and was recently moved to Suzdal in 1960 to be a part of the museum of a wooden architecture. The church is elevated off the ground about a storey high from when it was moved across the country. This church is made out of all wood and represents the close relationship between wood and stone architecture. How precise the Russians were while building this in 1766! Every church has its own history. Also there are a lot of lost churches that are the main objects of tourists’s visits and photos. Russian government wants to make Suzdal the capital of Russian historical tourism and I think this is the right decision. But Suzdal has some problems too. Many houses that are historical monuments are being destroyed or replaced by modern, chic hotels. This hotels, to my mind, hurt the beauty of the city most of all. Nowadays the government of Vladimir and Suzdal try to solve this problem. Of course, Suzdal has some other problems, but despite this fact Suzdal is the best city in the world for me.



Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (14.03.2012)
Просмотров: 529 | Теги: Second World War, Suzdal, River Kamenka | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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