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My mother land

My  mother land.

Russia is my mother  land. I think it is a unique country.

In area, it is one of largest countries in the world now. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. There are a lot of forests, deserts, mountains. There are different types of climate on the territory of Russia.


My native town is Vladimir.

I am proud to be its citizen. The history of   Vladimir is bound with the history   of Russia.

There are many places of interest in it.  One of the most outstanding churches is Pokrov - on – Nerl church. It is the pearl of Russian ancient architecture.

My  father’s  photographer.  He is in  the  habit  of  taking a lot  of  photos of  the  Pokrov - on – Nerl church.  He has already made the photos of it within 15 years.

Last  year  our  the  President  of  Russia  D.A. Medvedev   came  to see our  sightseeing’s.  The President visited some famous churches of Vladimir.  He visited the Pokrov - on – Nerl church too.  My father has accompanied the President on his trip.  The President was very impressed by this monument.

         I am very proud of my   father.  I think my father is a real patriot. He can understand the beauty of our   mother land. He has a great collection of photos of one of the most distinguished Russian church Pokrov - on – Nerl.

Maria Pachomova 

 5 –a  class

школа №33 

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (10.03.2012)
Просмотров: 581 | Теги: D.A. Medvedev, Pokrov - on – Nerl | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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