Зайцев Александр, 8 класс (4-й г.обучения)
МАОУ СОШ № 25 г.Владимир
Учитель: Куценко Е.Г.
MY Motherland.
What comes to your mind when
you think about birthplace? On the one hand it is my home, my family, my
friends. One the hand it is my street, my house , my town. It goes with out
saying that Motherland it is a special place for every person. I think our
native streets, native town give us huge power that helps us in our life.
I am sure that a man can’t
be happy living in a foreign land. We
remember that a lot of people that lived
abroad wanted to come back because they missed their native land.
To my mind we are lucky . We
live in one of the oldest and most famous
Russian city. Vladimir
is a unique city. We can call Vladimir
a historical museum .Wonderful events took place on our land, outstanding
persons are connected with our city. And of course we are proud that we live in
the city that was a capital of Rus many years ago.
I think we can see a special sunshine above old domes
of cathedrals in any weather. I am happy when
I go along old streets and I am sure that every thing will be great in
my life because I live in the best city all over the world.