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3, Rastopchin Street Apt.38
Vladimir, Russia

March 10, 2012

Dear Jane,
Thank you very much indeed for your interesting letter. I am glad to know that you are well and enjoying life in London. I miss you badly. I would like you to come to Vladimir as soon you can.
You know that I was born and lived for some time in Moscow. When I came Vladimir for the first time it seemed to me rather boring. But in a week I fell in love with this wonderful town. I hope you`ll come and understand why.
As far as I know you are keen on history. I hope these surprising facts will interest you and help you understand why my home town is so popular with tourists both from Russia and abroad.
Vladimir is an ancient Russian town. It is situated in the very heart of our country, not far from the capital. The history of Vladimir is really exciting. It began many years ago in 990 when Prince Vladimir Red Sun founded it on the high bank of the Klyazma river. It is unbelievable but it was the capital of Vladimir and Suzdal principality. In 1238 the town became a target of the Mongol-Tartar invasion. From this time till the beginning of the 17-th century the history of Vladimir was the long alternation of hordes` raids, pillages and fires.
Many centuries have passed since that time. Nowadays Vladimir has changed a lot. I am proud to say that it is a big industrial and cultural centre with a lot of beautiful churches, museums and wonderful buildings. My home town is included in the international tourist route called the Golden Ring of Russia because Vladimir is famous for its wonderful monuments of the past which attract many tourists every year. I love Vladimir and I am sure it is really worth seeing at close hand.
I am fond of the Golden Gates. They are the symbol of Vladimir. Just imagine that they were built in the 12-th century by Prince Andrei Bogolubsky. I would advise you to see some other wonderful monuments of the past. For example, the Cathedral of Assumption because it is a unique piece of old Russian art. It looks so unusually beautiful in sunny weather.
My favourite place of interest is Dmitrievsky Cathedral with its white stone sculpture and carving. I am proud of the fact that many famous people lived and worked in my home town.
I know that you are a theatre goer. I should say that there are 2 theatres ( the Drama theatre and the Puppet one ) and the concert hall named after Taneyev in my home town. . I should say Vladimir Taneyev was born here. He was a talented Russian composer and a pianist. There is a beautiful monument to Taneyev in front of the concert hall.
I like my home town especially in summer when it is so clean and green. It is great to walk in the numerous parks of our town. They are really its lungs. As for me I am fond of walking in Dobroselsky Park. It is not far from my house. I should say that both grown ups and children are fond of spending their spare time in this wonderful place.
I love my home town not only for its history, numerous sights, cosy cafes, beauty of its shop windows, I love it for the kind, caring, loving, friendly people who live here. Even the district where I live is called Dobroye which means kind and good.
If you come to Vladimir you will have a unique opportunity to enjoy its magic and to make friends with some of its dwellers.
I am looking forward to seeing you in Vladimir. We will visit all the places of interest . I will tell you everything that I know about my favourite town. You will sense the beauty of my home town, enjoy the relics of ancient times.
I am sure you will love it too, as once it happened to me. I think, I have interested you and you will come to Vladimir by all means because seeing is believing.
What are you plans for the next summer holidays? It would be splendid if you could come to Russia and spend a few days here. What do you say to the idea?
Hoping to hear from you soon.


Yours, Kamilla.

Done by Ismailova Kamilla, School 5, Form 7.

Преподаватель Тихомирова Ольга Игоревна.
Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (11.03.2012)
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