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Dear Alice,

I was happy to get your last letter. You wrote to me about your native city. I didn’t know that Murmansk is so fine. Now I want to tell you about mine.

I live in Vladimir. It’s an old town not far from Moscow.  It has beautiful and famous ancient churches and cathedrals. The majestic building of the Drama Theatre with beautiful marble statues looks wonderful. There are a lot of monuments to famous people. The Golden Gate is a tall exiting edifice built many years ago. It is situated in the centre of the town and is the main attraction for tourists.                                                                                              

But I think, the most beautiful place in Vladimir is the Park of friendship. Tall pines, young birches, ancient oaks and thin asps together look wonderful. In summer the park looks like a green sea, in autumn it is yellow, orange and red. In winter it is covered with snow, in spring it looks fresh and new. But in all seasons I like to walk there with my dog or to sit on the bench. Whenever you go there you can relax and become quiet.

On my summer holidays our family will go to Murmansk. I hope we’ll meet then. Write as soon as you can,





Автор: Бутакова Дарья

Класс: 7 «Б»

Школа № 10, г. Владимира

Учитель: Белым Н.А.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (05.03.2012)
Просмотров: 577 | Теги: Конкурс, английский язык, Владимир, Родина, Театр Драмы, письмо | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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