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Russia is a very big country.  There are many natural zones. It stretches from cold islands of the Arctic Ocean to sunny beaches of the Black sea and from the west of Kaliningrad to the east of Vladivostok. Russia is a country with history of more than 1000 years. Russia as other many countries has its own flag. It looks as a big flag with three colors: white, blue and red. And Russia has its own coat of arms. It looks as a big eagle with two heads. The eagle keeps the coat of arms of Moscow. Moscow is a capital of Russia. The population of Moscow is more than 10 million people. There is a lot of blood in the history of Russia. There were many wars in our country. Also there were a lot of kings and queens in our country. Some of the rulers of Russia were good as Peter the first and some of them were bad as I. Stalin or Ivan the Terrible. There are a lot of cities in Russia. Russia has a lot of gas and oil. Now our country is very strong. It has its own army and much money. I love Russia very much and I think that our country is good.

I love Russia because it is my motherland. There are many forests in our country. Russia is the biggest country in the world. Also I love my country for its history, its power and because it’s independent. I love Russia because it is a rich country and I do not love the government because it has taken all the riches for their needs. Some countries as America do not love Russia because it is a very strong enemy. But Russians do not want war, we want peace and we do not want enemies, we want friends.       


Гришечкин Миша

Школа № 10, 7-В,

Учитель: Белым Н.А.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (08.03.2012)
Просмотров: 553 | Теги: Motherland, flag with three colors, russia, Peter the first, Moscow, I. Stalin | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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