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Russia is my country


Жерехов Алексей,  5 класс

МАОУ СОШ № 25 г.Владимир

Учитель: Куценко Е.Г.


                                            I love my birthplace.

          Russia is my country. It is the largest country in the world. Russia is a very rich country. There are a lot of mountains, rivers, forests, seas in the country. The capital of Russia is Moscow. Of course there are a lot of cities, towns in Russia. One of them is Vladimir, my birthplace. I was born in this town. I would like to tell you about my native town. Vladimir is a very old town. It was founded many years ago. I think that my town is beautiful. There are many interesting places in Vladimir to visit. One of them is the Golden Gates in the centre of the town. There is a museum in the Golden Gates. It tells us about the past and the present of our town. There are a lot of historical places in Vladimir. Many tourists come to Vladimir to see and to admire these places. Vladimir is famous for its churches, Cathedrals.

           There are a lot of cinemas in my town. We can see interesting films there.

           Many famous people lived, worked and now live in Vladimir. There are some monuments to great people in the town. A lot of foreigners come to see them.

           The people of Vladimir have a rest in the parks. It is a great pleasure to walk in them.

           One can see a lot of cars, buses, trolley-buses in the streets of my town. The streets are wide and straight. The traffic is heavy.

            I live in Vladimir. I am proud of my town.

            I am sure that Vladimir is one of the most important towns in the Golden Ring. It is worth seeing it. It is a wonderful place to live and work. I am happy to live in Vladimir.

                                                    Welcome to Vladimir!

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