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Vladimir is big and nice

«I Love My Birthplace»


My name is Zhenja. I am nine.


I live in Vladimir. Vladimir is big and nice. Many people visit our town. I like it very much.


I have a father, a mother and two grandmothers, three brothers and a sister. We have four cats and a dog. We like our pets. They are very funny. I feed them and we play with them. We work in our big garden. We have four apple-trees. My mother grows potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and cabbages, cucumbers and flowers.


I am tall and strong, clever and brave. I can run and skip. But I can not swim and skate. I play the piano and the guitar. I like to play football and to read books. I have many friends. We go to the park on Sundays. I like meat and pizza. My Mum cooks meat very well. I like to eat cakes and ice-cream, apples, bananas and sweets.


I study English at school. We speak, read and learn poems by heart. I want to speak and to read English well. I`d like to have friends in Britain and invite them to my town. I`m happy to live in my beautiful old town.                               

Данилов Женя,




Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (07.03.2012)
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