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Where I come from

«Where I come from»

     Every person has a family. It is something that everybody needs. The first things we learn, we learn from our parents.

I was born in a very good family. My mother and father are the best parents in the world. My father is a very serious and hardworking man. He is responsible and reliable. My mum is very hospitable and creative. It seems to me, she can do everything on Earth. I hope, that I have some of these characteristics too.

My parents and I really love to do different things together. In summer and autumn we often gather mushrooms. It is our hobby. My father and mother encourage me to study well and to take part in various contests and sports competitions. They always help me in it. Though I’m not so sporty as my father is, we like to ski and to go to a swimming pool together. My mum is a good cook. She can knit and sew very well. I have learnt much from her.

My parents taught me to love our country and my little home town. They help our town to be better, because their work is connected with running water and central heating provision. They never let me drop litter in the streets and every spring we clean the territory near our block-of-flats together.

My family gives me help, support and understanding. My parents forgive me my mistakes and always teach how to correct them. They give me the chance to study music and English, to go in for sports to travel around the world and to have a good rest. I’m very grateful to them for it.

People can choose neither a Motherland nor a family. I’m happy that I was born in a small provincial town of Russia with great past and interesting present and I’m glad that I’m the daughter of my parents. Whatever happens in the future I will always love my family and respect my parents. I try not to make them unhappy and do everything to make their life easier.



Done by Julia Zhuikova

School 14, Form 9

Teacher A.Yu. Belyaev


Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (02.03.2012)
Просмотров: 538 | Теги: Конкурс, английский язык, творчество, Александров, Родина, Семья | Рейтинг: 2.0/2
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