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Why I Like My Birthplace?

Why I Like My Birthplace?


A birthplace is the place where a person was born, where he lives, where he spends his best years of his life, his childhood.

I was born in the town of Vladimir. In this town I spend my childhood. My family lives here. My family is my home place. I have got a big and happy family. We are a family of seven. These are my mother, father, three sisters and my brother. And I also have got two grandmothers and a grandfather. All members of my family are very friendly and helpful .My parents take care of us all .I love my family very much. I feel here warm and comfortable .I spend much time with my family.

But I have to tell about one more place, which became native for me .This place is situated not far from Vladimir. It is a village where my grandparents live. When I think about the time, which I have spent there I want to smile, because there I have learnt much about the world .There is a big forest, a lake and a river near the house of my grandparents. I spend my holidays in this village, in an old, cozy house .In the morning I go to the river with my sisters, to swim in cool, clean water. I like to go to the forest with my grandfather and gather mushrooms and berries .I often help my grandmother in the garden. I have painted many pictures there. Beautiful nature is around. And a person, who lives in the city, needs sometimes to be in the nature. Every day I found something new and interesting. It is good when you have a place, which attracts you and calls you.

My home country is Russia. It is a great country, the largest in the world. But a home place is a place where you are loved and waited for. If you love your home place never betray it. I am proud that I was born in this country, in this town!

Автор: Брянцева Карина

Класс: 7 «А»

Школа № 10. г. Владимира

Учитель: Белым Н.А.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (05.03.2012)
Просмотров: 568 | Теги: Конкурс, сочинение, английский язык, Владимир, Родина | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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