Ученики не только читают произведения англоязычных авторов на уроках и дома, но и пытаются сочинить свои. Начинаем мы со сказок. Вот одна из них, посвященная Рождеству.
Our world has become multicultural. We learn foreign languages, read the books of foreign writers, watch foreign films, listen to foreign music, and celebrate foreign holidays. But do we really know the origin of them? Today we’re going to tell you about the most terrific and horrible holiday-Halloween. History of Halloween, like any other festival’s history is full of traditions that have transferred through ages from one generation to another. We follow them mostly as did our dads and grandpas. At one point of time it leaves us puzzled, with its multicolored faces. Digging into its history helps to separate the facts from the fantasies which caught us greatly. Yet, doubts still lurk deep in our soul, especially when the reality differs from what has taken a deep seated root into our beliefs. Are these stories a myth or there is a blend of some reality? Ye. Sibirina
Nowadays the most of teenagers try to be special, be better than others. It’s important for young people to have their own style. People use fashion to present themselves to the public eye. What we wear is an image of what we want the world to see.
English is the most widespread language on the Earth. People all over the world speak English. Today in Russian speech we hear many English words. Some of these words came into our speech and we don’t notice that they are English, we use English words free. We can hear English words practically every day in the magazine and newspapers, on TV, in chats, in messages and in everyday speech of the young people. That’s why the theme of English words in Russian language is actually for us.
"Discover the world«- it was a motto of a new English language project at school #1. During 10 days lots of schoolchildren took part in different contests. They translated poems from English into Russian, performed on the stage with their presentations of different countries, took part in the speakers contest. It was very unusual, interesting and exciting. I asked some of the pupils and teachers to share their impressions of that project. Here you can read what they said.
Do you know that Christmas is really celebrated all over the world? We hope you know the way British, Americans, and Russians do it. That’s why today we want to travel to Australia, Brazil, Scandinavia and East Asian countries.
Those who study English want to speak it. But if you go to the USA you sometimes can have difficulties with understanding of those who use it as a mother tongue. It becomes a serious problem for a lot of travelers or students. You can speak rather fluently but a shop-assistant looks at you as an alien. Why? What’s happened? Today we shall try to explain you the difference between two languages: British English and American English.
Уже не первый год в Александрове существует школа-студия юных журналистов "Микс", в которой ребят учат брать интервью и писать статьи, которые неоднократно публиковались в городских газетах. На сайте студии http://www.studio-mix.info/есть "English page", редактором которой я и являюсь.
Здесь ребята пробовали свои силы в переводе, в составлении текстов, а также пытались комментировать и оценивать работы своих товарищей.