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Baikonur is a young town

I Love My Birthplace.


Baikonur! May there always be your land,

Unhurt and sound!

Let your sorrows and your troubles

Go with breezes,

Let your golden fall bless people all around,

Launching ever to the stars!

By I.M. Kim

For every person his birth place means a lot. For one it is a family, for another it is a country, but for me it is my native town. The name of this town is Baikonur. I was born there and it tookthebiggest part in my heart.

Baikonur is a young town. It was built in 1955. The first settlers were military people. They lived under very difficult conditions: severe climate, tents instead of houses, bad water.

But in spite of all these hardships the first in the world artificial sputnik, the first man from the Earth Yuri Gagarin and other astronauts were launched into space from this land.

Nowadays the Cosmodrome of Baikonur is the unique scientific, technical and social complex. There are a lot of research space centers, rocket and space enterprises and launching pads there.

You can’t imagine how nice and pretty my native town especially in spring. When I livedthere, my friends and I used to walk in the parks, pick up wild tulips in the steppe on the bank of the Syr-Daria River, and take a curative shower in the fountain of mineral water.

 I remember almost every tree, everyplay ground where I played with my friends, monuments to famous rocket designers such as Korolyov, Yangel, Nedelin and others. When I was inBaikonur I had a sense that I lived on the other planet may be on Mars.In the streets and squaresI could see modern buildings and models of famous rockets. Children liked to climb in the rockets and imagine that they were cosmonauts.

Baikonur is a multicultural town. People from Russia, Belarus, the Ukraine, and Kazakhstan live and work there. It is cool! We had a lot of holidays during the year. We celebrated Russian Easter and Kazakh Nauriz; we ate Russian pancakes at Maslenitsaand enjoyed shashlik andbeshbarmak. We learnt to respect traditions of differentpeople. I am proud of my native town. I would like to dedicate my poem to Baikonur:


Baikonur is a wonderful place

It will always the world amaze.

Intelligent people launch rockets there.

They do their job, honest and fair.

Rain or shine…

Rockets will fly.

People live and work among the steppe.

They explore other planets step by step.

But the time comes and the people go

To other countries but I do know

Rain or shine…

Rockets will fly.


Now I live and study in a beautiful town Vladimir which has a long history.Vladimir isn’t alike Baikonur. I am proud of Vladimir because it played a role of a capital in Rus. It is a mixture of old and modern architecture. Ancient churches, cathedrals change modern buildings. Also I would like to add that Vladimir is a motherland of many outstanding people such as: admiral M. P. Lasarev, the poet A.I. Fatyanov, the statesman M.M. Speransky and others.  But walking along Vladimir’s streets I still remember Baikonur, I really miss my birthplacewhere a lot of friends are lived.

To draw the conclusion, I can say that I have two birthplaces one where I was born another where I live and study.

МБОУ лицей №17г. Владимир

Бахарев Анатолий 6 «Б» класс

учитель - Гурова Ольга Владимировна

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (08.03.2012)
Просмотров: 770 | Теги: Yangel, Cosmodrome, Vladimir, Nedelin, military people, Syr-Daria River, Baikonur, Korolyov | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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