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I enjoy travelling


I enjoy travelling.  What a pleasure is to take a train and to rush into the unknown. So I found myself in a small village of Nekludovo. The village seems to be nothing remarkable (so is throughout Russia, and the name it dims down).

   I got off the train and saw a tall water tower. It was evident that it was built long ago. I went on. I met a narrow but very long street. Most of the houses in it were really old, but almost all were painted with carvings. Now I was on the edge of the village, and I had to turn back. On the other side of the railway there was a narrow path. I went along it, and saw a large building. It was a local school. When I entered it, I saw a plaque dedicated to Kurtsev Boris , the hero of the Soviet Union.  From the information stand I found out a lot of interesting things about his childhood and life.  He was one of the first school-leavers here in 1935. The bell rang, the children ran out of the classes to have a rest. I asked them: "Is there a church nearby?"  They explained to me how to get to it.  I was faced along a long road, but I was not scared. I was walking through the forest and admired the beauty of our Russian nature. I was surprised that that piece of a land has not been touched by a man. Finally I saw the houses and in a distance I could see the dome of the church of St. Nicholas. When I came nearer and saw it all, I was astonished at the beauty of its architecture. Inside it was all painted with images  of beautiful icons ...

   So I was wondering for a long time. Now I feel that this place is a real piece of my Motherland.

Смирнов Илья 7 класс МКОУ Неклюдовская оош

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (06.03.2012)
Просмотров: 514 | Теги: Kurtsev Boris, russia, church of St. Nicholas, school-leavers, the hero of the Soviet Union, Nekludovo | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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