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I love my native country

               " I Love My Birthplace”

I would like to tell you about my native land. I was born in the village of Nechaevskaya and I am very proud of it.

My village is rich of its history. Our village was founded by A.V.Gorshkov. He is a twice hero of Socialist labor. Our village was founded in 1926. Previously ,on the site of the village was a swamp, and Gorshkov created all condition for the construction of village. According to his plans at first it was only two or three houses, then came Streltsov Street. After some time was build a Kolhos Street. And only then came New Street where I live. Previously ,when  Gorshkov was alive a corn farm was a millionaire. To us came from other countries to harvest  in the Vladimir region, we were the first.

Our edge is known for the fact that we are in the house of the national park Meschyora. Meschyora is a national reserve , known country – wide. It is rich of their own wood, where there are many mushrooms and berries. Located in the woods is very nice and helpful. So nice to be in the wood in the morning. Only when the nature wakes up. The first rays fall on the ground, the birds begin to sing. Wind wakes the trees, they respond by creak and rustle the branches.

In the future when I will have finishing to learn I want to return to my beloved village, because I love my land and am proud of my small homeland.

МКОУ Нечаевская СОШ, Владимирской области, Гусь  - Хрустального района, Козлов Егор 11 класс.

Категория: конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Добавил: lensib (01.03.2012)
Просмотров: 695 | Теги: Гусь-Хрустальный, Конкурс, английсий язык, Нечаевская | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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