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Every person has the motherland. My motherland is Russia and my hometown is Vladimir. It is situated in the central part of Russia, 180 kilometers from the capital of our country. 
It has a rich history and there are many legends about the princes and people who lived here. Nobody knows for sure when it was founded. There are two versions about its foundation. 

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 497 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

What do people mean when saying ‘my birthplace’? There are no particular definitions for this very notion as everybody has something special in the heart of hearts. These special things, notions and images are connected with their minds, recollections, parents. These may be picturesque fields, thick forests, clean water in the river where you used to swim as a child. You will remember all these things for the rest of your life.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 568 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

Let me introduce myself. My full name is Jana Karpova. I was born on the 26-th of July, 1999 in Vladimir. Now I live in Vladimir with my parents.

            I am the only child in the family. My mother had no possibility to be a housewife, so I was brought up by my nurse till I was three years. I don`t remember my childhood at all. Now I`m a pupil of the sixth  form of the secondary school number 41. My favourite subjects are English and Maths. I had nothing against Russian and Literature, but somehow they seemed to me less important. I take an active part in social life , attend sports sections and optional courses. We study many subjects at school and it takes me three  or  even more hours to do my homework. As a rule I have no free time on my week-day. I don`t have much free time but I have a hobby. My hobby is hip-hop dancing. I attend the dance studio «Vitamin C»

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 540 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

The history of Alexandrov (the old name is Alexandrova Sloboda) is wonderful and fascinating. It is closely connected with the history of the Russian state. It delights me a lot! Just imagine: first it was a small hunting place; at the beginning of the XVIth century the Grand Duke Basil III ordered the best Italian and Russian architects to build here a beautiful palace made of white stone and red brick. It became Basil’s official country residence. In 1564 due to the will of the first Russian tsar Ivan the Terrible it became no more than the capital of the Russian State, the rival of Moscow! Sloboda was a real fortress then! Here Ivan the Terrible organized the first Russian inner troop oprichniki, the so-called police of the Middle Ages. Here, in Alexandrova Sloboda, the tsar set in judgement, received foreign ambassadors. Here his two wedding ceremonies took place.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 492 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (1)

As all the people, living in Russia, I love my country. I am proud of it because Russia is the largest country in the world and it is very rich. I mean, that it has thick forests and high mountains, long rivers and deep lakes. I am proud of Russia, because it is a country with long cultural traditions dating back to the pagan times. I am proud of Russia, because it is the home land of many world-famous artists, writers, poets, architects, sculptors, musicians and dancers. But most of all, I love it for its nature and its people.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 829 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

 I live in Russia and I am glad to be Russian. I think that the Russian people are friendly,

kind, hospitable, understanding and loving. Of course I cannot say that all people are so,

but most of them have these traits.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 726 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

As for me, my birthplace is my native town Vladimir. My parents are from Vladimir. They were born, studied and met here.And I was born here too. All members of my family, practically all my relatives love Vladimir and don’t want to live anywhere else. Furthermore, I have got a lot of friends in my town and we like to spend our free time walking along wide and beautiful streets where almost every building, every square, every park is a part of history.Best of all we enjoy visiting the ancient part of Vladimir with its old churches and cathedrals. I know you are fond of travelling.If you are going to come to my native town I’ll show you the most valuable monuments of old Russian white stone architecture of the XII century - The Golden Gates, the Assumption and St. Dmitry Cathedrals

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 589 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

I thought a lot what the word "birthplace” means. May be it is a country where I live. I was born in Russia and I’m proud of my country. But I can’t say that Russia is my lovely birthplace.May be it is my family – my dear parents. They love and take care of me.May be it is my school where I get knowledge.But looking through the window I understood that it is a place of my origin where my ancestors lived and worked. It is my native town Vladimir. I’m from Vladimir. Here my parents live and work. Here I study at lyceum #17. At last here I think I’ll enter the university and make my own family.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 1255 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

My birthplace is the village of Bolshie Vsegodichi. Many years ago on this land my ancestors lived. They were called Ivan Burlakov and Alexei Burlakov. The Burlakovs were famous enough in the place. Ivan was my great-grandfather Alexei’s brother. Ivan was born in 1864. He was a deputy in the State Duma. Alexei was an affluent peasant. He had his own pine forest, built a dairy. My grandmother Alexandra Burlakova was born in 1907 in this village. She was one of the first pioneers and was very proud of that. Bolshie Vsegodichi is a calm, cozy village that’s why my ancestors didn’t move from place to place. They enjoyed living there.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 853 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (2)

My home town is Vladimir. I like it very much. There are a lot of beautiful places in Vladimir. There are a great number of green parks and squares. Plenty of museums and art galleries attract tourists' attention.

конкурс "I Love My Birthplace" | Просмотров: 627 | Добавил: lensib | Дата: 09.03.2012 | Комментарии (0)

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